Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Manila Christmas

So Christmas has come and gone, and I must say it's kinda weird having a hot Christmas. We celebrated with banana pancakes and pizza! Being away during the Holidays makes me miss home dearly, but I'm sure I will never forget the year I spent the Holidays in the Philippines.

This week has been so packed and lots of fun. Last night I went with three others to have a sleepover in the Pulo slums. This area is a remote province of people who live very minimally. Their homes are constructed out of wooden poles and typically are comprised of one room. They live right on the seashore and to make a living they produce coal by heating up wood, because of this the beachy area is covered in black ash. There is no water or electricity- water has to be brought in through a man made path of plastic and soil. Despite the conditions of living the people are so friendly and full of joy.

We have spent many days doing ministry in Pulo- giving out Christmas gifts, leading Bible Studies, praying with families, bathing and washing children, feeding children, and the sleepover I mentioned earlier with the youth that included a bonfire. The youth night was awesome, we played games and had bonding time with many of the teens. The night was chilly, so I was super thankful when a street dog came and layed at my feet. :) We slept by the sea under the stars, it was truly unforgettable.

I'm hoping we will get to work with sex trafficking soon...I will be sure to keep you all posted on the happenings here in the Philippines!

Monday, November 29, 2010

McDonalds and SlumPrayer

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to give you a quick recap of the outreach thus far.....

Water Taxi from Belize to Chutemal, Mexico- 1.5 hours
Bus Ride to Cancun- 7 hours
Overnight stay at YWAM base
Flight from Cancun to New York- 3.5 hours
Layover in JFK airport- 22 hours
Flight from New York to Tokyo- 13 hours (Thanksgiving day)
Layover in Japan- 1.5 hours
Tokyo to Manila- 6 hours
Overnight stay in Manila
Ferry (Titanic sized) to Cebu- 22 hours

= Final Destination in 6 days of travel

We are working with the Cebu Missionary Foundation, which has ministries in various places throughout the city. Today our team split up into groups to do outreach in various places...some went to help in the schools, others went to feed those in the cemetery where people who can't afford housing live in the tombs, and my group went to the slums in the garbage dump, where we visited people's homes and prayed for them. Many asked for prayer for their health and for God to protect and bless them. Some needed prayer for illness and some awesome miracles happened- a lame woman was able to walk and a man said he could feel his sight being restored. Then Mari, Katie and I played some basketball with the guys from the slum and we won! I think they let us though :)

We will be doing bible study in the Women's Prison and working with schools later this week. Some of us will help in the clinic, and pretty much where ever there is need we will get to help. Day to day life if different from home...but the foundation is close to a McDonalds which is a special treat. But typically our diet consists of bread, which we have for breakfast and lunch most days. If you all could be praying for the health of our team that would be awesome, also for unity in our team as well. Here we are each other's family and even though we have only known each other for 3 months we have to depend on one another for support when times are hard. Miss you all and thanks for all your support and prayer!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Love in Action

So this week we did outreach in the town of San Pedro. We spent the majority of our time in a place called San Mateo, which is one of the poorest areas in Central America. The people of San Mateo live in squalor. The houses are built on stilts above the swamps because the families have no other place to go. Just this year two children died from minor cuts which had been infected from bacteria in the heart felt for them.

Each day our team went to the Holy Cross Anglican School, where we got to teach in the classrooms. I worked with 8 and 9 years olds, teaching language arts and creative writing. Needless to say, I fell in love with the kids. Yesterday we did community service in the park. As I painted benches on the ocean front, listening to my iPod, there was a moment when everything felt so surreal...and I had this realization that life is so much more than what I know it as.

In the evening we went on a prayer walk and something REALLY cool happened. I was with two girls, Racheal and Katie, and we walked to the end of a street which lead us to a resort on the beachside. I was captivated by an illuminated tree- it just looked so cool and I really wanted a picture of we walk over to it and I am snapping some photos when a woman walks up telling us how the resot is going to decorate the place with these awesome looking trees. Her name was Stacey and she was the manager there. We left that place and were saying a prayer for Stacey when I felt God laying things on my heart for her...Racheal felt like we were supposed to go we turned around and went to hunt Stacey down in the lobby's office. She was a little surprised to see us again and I began to share with her how God feels about her and loves her, at this point I am tearing up and she is tearing up and it was just a beautiful moment of God pursuing this woman. And what is even MORE awesome is that Stacey told us right before we had met she was working in her office when all the sudden she felt like going outside to look at the tree at the exact moment that we stood there taking pictures of it. This, my friends, is what it's all about... God totally set it up.

So if it couldn't get any better, we closed the night with a celebration in the park for the kids, with face painting, water balloons, soccer, and balloon animals. It was a blast and I am super excited for outreach in the Philippines!!

Much love.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Overwhelmed by Generosity

There are two weeks left here at the Belize base before we leave for outreach and as of today I still owed $1,700. After the group of YWAMers learned about this, within about 20 minutes all of my outreach fees had been covered. WOW. I really have nothing else to say so, yeah. These people are amazing, can't believe how they sacrificed so that I would be able to go to the Philippines.

Heck yeah.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Today our speaker proposed to us that if we were to have a reunion 10 years from now what would we like to say that we have done? She asked us to take 5 minutes and write down what we want our lives to be like. The purpose of this is to help us discover what our hearts desire for the future, kinda like our own personal mission statements. I really liked this exercise because it helped me to focus on who I hope to become...I don't exactly know what I want to do yet, but I do know what I want it to be like. I hope that 10 years from now this can be true of me.

This is what I wrote:

The past 10 years have been full of wild. fun adventures with God. I've been all over the world serving every kind of person; from the "least of these" to the "high citizens." I've seen God working in miraculous ways, I've seen scores of people healed, set free, and redeemed in a radical way by Jesus. I've experienced great joy and great suffering, and it's all brought me closer to the one I live my life for- Jesus. I've learned to hear God's voice and walk in the Spirit every day. My fuel for life comes from spending time in God's presence. I've experienced the joy of marriage and children and I battle for my family to stay in a place of love and belonging both physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I've dreamed big dreams and I've seen them come true. I've built life long relationships with people whom I love and love me. I've been generous with my time, money, and resources. I've seen people for who God created them to be and I've helped them get there. I've lived life fully. I've taken what God has given me and I've ran with it. I have loved God and people with all that I am.

This is my desire...and I can't wait to see how it all works out.

Friday, October 22, 2010


My legs currently look like a battelground because of relentless attacks from misquitoes and sand flies. I thought you all needed to be aware and pray into this issue :)

Okay so last week was pretty incredible and I'd love to give you all a snapshot how God proved his faithfulness...
In the spirit of Luke 10:2-11 which says:

2He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. 3Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. 4Do not take a purse or bag or sandals; and do not greet anyone on the road.
5"When you enter a house, first say, 'Peace to this house.' 6If a man of peace is there, your peace will rest on him; if not, it will return to you. 7Stay in that house, eating and drinking whatever they give you, for the worker deserves his wages. Do not move around from house to house.
8"When you enter a town and are welcomed, eat what is set before you. 9Heal the sick who are there and tell them, 'The kingdom of God is near you.' 10But when you enter a town and are not welcomed, go into its streets and say, 11'Even the dust of your town that sticks to our feet we wipe off against you. Yet be sure of this: The kingdom of God is near.

So, with a few others, I traveled several hours into an unknown town; we had no money or extra clothes and we were supposed to go out in the town trusting God to provide meals, water, and accommodations. It was so amazing to see God give us everything we needed… and it sure helped to build up my faith. We met some amazing people and got to stay a couple nights at a church, they completely took care of us and gave us money to get back. We encountered many people and got to pray for the sick and for the was really cool. What an amazing life God lets me live.

Thanks for all your love, support, and prayers :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Well it's been four weeks and I've been learning a ton, so I thought I'd share with you all some of the things that have really challenged me and/or resonated with me...

"True faith means holding nothing back" Frances Chan

Justice is equal to Righteousness; God always does the right thing and He is the ultimate standard of what is right.

God's character is based on his nature, His moral attributes- God is love, God is faithful, God is merciful, God is generous, God is good, God is jealous, God is just. Our character, however, is not based on our nature but on our choices.

On the topic of freewill:
1. Freewill if real.
2. God's relationship with us is based on LOVE.
3. Love without choice cannot be love.
4. Choice without freedom is not choice.
5. Freedom involves risk
6. The risk that God takes in giving us freewill:
a) people may not choose to follow and love God
b) people may choose to do evil
c) people will get hurt by those who choose to do evil

You're not really living unless you have a passion in your life worth dying for.

The motivation for evangelism should be to alleviate the pain and suffering God feels for His missing children.

Good stuff, ay?!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


So I was browsing through my journal and happened to stumble across something that made me laugh.

Two weeks before I had heard of YWAM at the One Thing Conference during Christmas break of 2009, I wrote the following in my journal:


"I want to dive into the deeper waters of your Spirit."

This date is exactly one month before I was accepted into the YWAM Discipleship Training School- The Adventure DTS, where I get to scuba dive!

It made me laugh that God answered my prayers in such a way :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Making Waves

Hello! First of all can I just say that getting the opportunity to come to Belize and learn more about the creator of the universe is such a great gift. We had a great week of lectures and learning last week; Peter Warren the YWAM Director of the Denver, CO base came and shared with us about the charactersitics of God- his love, generousity, faithfulness and etc. He also taught on hearing from God and spiritual warfare- last week many people experienced some spiritual attack, including myself, which inspired us to walk around the base praying and praising God and things have gone quite well since.

One of my favorite times of the week is when we meet for truly feels like we are changing tides in the kingdom by praying on behalf of others. I also enjoy having quiet time on the dock after the sunrise, it is so calm and life-giving. Saturday I had my first experience scuba diving, which was a blast. It does feel unnatural breathing through the scuba gear, but we saw some colorful fish- one girl even saw a sting ray. But I am super excited to see the location where sharks live :)

During our time here we are challenged to read the entire Bible, which I have decided to far I have completed 8 books, from both the Old and New Testament. I am also reading a book called Heaven, which explores all the scripture for biblical insight on what Heaven will be like...and it sounds fantastic- and I'm sure it is soo much better that what earthly words can describe. I am soaking up everything I possibly can.

Last night I befriended a woman named Maritza, she was a very nice woman who worked in town. Say prayers for her and her family. Lots of Love!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Destination Paradise

The first week here at the base, well, has been pretty amazing...I'm here with 30 other people from many different places including England, Canada, Holland, Germany, Norway, and some local to Belize. The base is right on the beach and I when I wake up I can see the sun rising over the ocean without even getting out of my bed. It's an incredible sight to behold.

We are getting introduced to life here, there are many things to take note of- but I am glad at how laid back everything is...we are free to swim in the ocean, kayak, snorkel, walk, bike, and pretty much anything we feel while we have free time...and the time here that I spend with God looks so different as I get to connect with his creation in ways I normally wouldn't have the chance to do.

However today has been the greatest yet, as we experienced the Spirit of God move within the hearts of our students as we got open and honest with each other about our pasts and our struggles. I witnessed person after person give the most outstanding, authentic account of their life. Many girls were admitting to abuse and past poor choices that they had kept in the dark...but now these secrets are in the light and no longer have a hold over them, one guy told us of these intense demonic attacks that would leave him beating his head into the ground until they would stop--after he told of his experience he declared God's power over darkness, another girl told about the death of her father and how she became so hard-hearted after that, even using his death as an excuse to be cold and mean...with the help of a stand in proxy, she was able to say all the things she wanted to her father that she never had the chance to while he was here on earth, and she walked away feeling light and free.

Today was a beautiful demonstration of broken people coming together to receive God's love, mercy, and grace into their hearts....and it is only the first week. I cannot wait to see all that God will do in and through our group. I am feeling His presence in the midst of it all and I am so glad to be able to share with all my loving supporters.

Peace and Love

Friday, August 6, 2010

Philippians 1:21

"For me to live is Christ and to die is gain."

The most noble of causes in which one could participate is this- to lay down ones life, that love may triumph over evil, light over darkness- for this was modeled to us by Christ, for whom we live and for whom we die.  

Sunday, August 1, 2010

End's Beginning

How can the Heart of God be known?
Can I see it?
Touch it?
Feel it?
I want to climb inside of your embrace,
so that I'm floating off the floor.

My walls are blank,
they're yours to fill,
paint them the color of your will.

I'm holding sand,
it slips through my hands.
The clock counts down- but you wear the crown-
the time is on YOUR table.

There is a flowing river
I sit beside,
I cannot leave it, for it gives me life.

The dawn is breaking,
introducing a great awakening.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

If I have no wants or desires apart from Him then Satan can't convince me that God is withholding from me. The Lord knows everything I need and His heart is to provide it for me. The Lord does not withhold from me, He gives me all good things. He does not give me scorpions, even though I sometimes unknowingly desire them. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. If I must want, it should be for His presence, and if I must desire, it should be that I would be filled with His Word.

A friend told me to rejoice in the darkness. Ah yes!

Friday, May 14, 2010

I pray that a fervor would be birthed in the body of Christ; that those who are passionate about loving You would step up and boldly proclaim the gospel.

I ask that You would raise up encouragers among the Bride so that followers would feel support when they are actively advancing the Kingdom.

Give us a strong and sound faith. Bring us to repentance so that we may be right with our Father and walk in the freedom of our inheritance.

Wreck us of our pride.

Let us be alive in You!

May Your truth penetrate our bones and may we ache with love for You and for humanity.

May we be constantly walking in the Spirit, may we be living glory to glory!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It is such a precious thing to love and be loved

Jesus looks at you and he sees something he wants- something he wanted so bad that he was willing to die for it. He yearns for your heart to be close to his, he longs to call you his. And even during the times that you overlook his pursuit of you, he does not overlook you. He knows you through and through. It is such a precious thing to love and be loved. HIS LOVE FOR YOU KNOWS NO BOUNDS.

Oh he knows that I can't wait til heaven...he knows my longing for him. The greatest treasure I have is that which I hold inside my heart. My greatest treasure is him. I want to learn every way to say I love you, and then repeat them over and over again. I am yours, oh yes, I am yours.

Monday, February 1, 2010

"She knew now that down in
the core of her own being she was
so shaped that nothing could
fit, fill, or satisfy
her heart but he himself.
"Nothing else really matters,"
she said to herself, "only to love him and
do what he tells me.
I don't know quite why it should be so,
but it is.
All the time it is suffering to love
and sorrow to love,
but it is lovely to love him in spite of this,
and if I should cease to do so,
I should cease to exist."

-Hinds Feet on High Places

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Giver of Gifts

It's pretty much a no brainer that God is good. He is the Giver of life and the source of love and grace.
By absolutely nothing that I have done, the Lord has decided to make many of my dreams come true. He allows me to follow these dreams, which He has planted in me, because He loves using his kids to further his Kingdom.
Last year I had this longing for Richmond to be captivated by God's love and through a process of Him leading me after his heart, I am now a part of a community who sets out to love others to Christ. He has given me teens and broken women to love on, and it does such wonderful things to my heart to be able to serve him this way.
Also, very recently, the Lord revealed to me the next piece of his plan. After many months of patiently (more or less) waiting for God to guide and direct, He has lead me to YWAM- Youth with a Mission. I spoke with Jesus, asking him that whatever it is He would have me do, that He would just open the door. So He did. Now I am preparing to invest 9 months in the Discipleship training school. I am beyond thrilled that He would call me to do that.
So friends if you would join me in prayer I would be sooo grateful. I've already been experiencing some resistance, so let's fight back in victory :)
Love you all!