Tuesday, February 9, 2010

It is such a precious thing to love and be loved

Jesus looks at you and he sees something he wants- something he wanted so bad that he was willing to die for it. He yearns for your heart to be close to his, he longs to call you his. And even during the times that you overlook his pursuit of you, he does not overlook you. He knows you through and through. It is such a precious thing to love and be loved. HIS LOVE FOR YOU KNOWS NO BOUNDS.

Oh he knows that I can't wait til heaven...he knows my longing for him. The greatest treasure I have is that which I hold inside my heart. My greatest treasure is him. I want to learn every way to say I love you, and then repeat them over and over again. I am yours, oh yes, I am yours.

Monday, February 1, 2010

"She knew now that down in
the core of her own being she was
so shaped that nothing could
fit, fill, or satisfy
her heart but he himself.
"Nothing else really matters,"
she said to herself, "only to love him and
do what he tells me.
I don't know quite why it should be so,
but it is.
All the time it is suffering to love
and sorrow to love,
but it is lovely to love him in spite of this,
and if I should cease to do so,
I should cease to exist."

-Hinds Feet on High Places