Saturday, September 25, 2010


So I was browsing through my journal and happened to stumble across something that made me laugh.

Two weeks before I had heard of YWAM at the One Thing Conference during Christmas break of 2009, I wrote the following in my journal:


"I want to dive into the deeper waters of your Spirit."

This date is exactly one month before I was accepted into the YWAM Discipleship Training School- The Adventure DTS, where I get to scuba dive!

It made me laugh that God answered my prayers in such a way :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Making Waves

Hello! First of all can I just say that getting the opportunity to come to Belize and learn more about the creator of the universe is such a great gift. We had a great week of lectures and learning last week; Peter Warren the YWAM Director of the Denver, CO base came and shared with us about the charactersitics of God- his love, generousity, faithfulness and etc. He also taught on hearing from God and spiritual warfare- last week many people experienced some spiritual attack, including myself, which inspired us to walk around the base praying and praising God and things have gone quite well since.

One of my favorite times of the week is when we meet for truly feels like we are changing tides in the kingdom by praying on behalf of others. I also enjoy having quiet time on the dock after the sunrise, it is so calm and life-giving. Saturday I had my first experience scuba diving, which was a blast. It does feel unnatural breathing through the scuba gear, but we saw some colorful fish- one girl even saw a sting ray. But I am super excited to see the location where sharks live :)

During our time here we are challenged to read the entire Bible, which I have decided to far I have completed 8 books, from both the Old and New Testament. I am also reading a book called Heaven, which explores all the scripture for biblical insight on what Heaven will be like...and it sounds fantastic- and I'm sure it is soo much better that what earthly words can describe. I am soaking up everything I possibly can.

Last night I befriended a woman named Maritza, she was a very nice woman who worked in town. Say prayers for her and her family. Lots of Love!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Destination Paradise

The first week here at the base, well, has been pretty amazing...I'm here with 30 other people from many different places including England, Canada, Holland, Germany, Norway, and some local to Belize. The base is right on the beach and I when I wake up I can see the sun rising over the ocean without even getting out of my bed. It's an incredible sight to behold.

We are getting introduced to life here, there are many things to take note of- but I am glad at how laid back everything is...we are free to swim in the ocean, kayak, snorkel, walk, bike, and pretty much anything we feel while we have free time...and the time here that I spend with God looks so different as I get to connect with his creation in ways I normally wouldn't have the chance to do.

However today has been the greatest yet, as we experienced the Spirit of God move within the hearts of our students as we got open and honest with each other about our pasts and our struggles. I witnessed person after person give the most outstanding, authentic account of their life. Many girls were admitting to abuse and past poor choices that they had kept in the dark...but now these secrets are in the light and no longer have a hold over them, one guy told us of these intense demonic attacks that would leave him beating his head into the ground until they would stop--after he told of his experience he declared God's power over darkness, another girl told about the death of her father and how she became so hard-hearted after that, even using his death as an excuse to be cold and mean...with the help of a stand in proxy, she was able to say all the things she wanted to her father that she never had the chance to while he was here on earth, and she walked away feeling light and free.

Today was a beautiful demonstration of broken people coming together to receive God's love, mercy, and grace into their hearts....and it is only the first week. I cannot wait to see all that God will do in and through our group. I am feeling His presence in the midst of it all and I am so glad to be able to share with all my loving supporters.

Peace and Love