Friday, August 6, 2010

Philippians 1:21

"For me to live is Christ and to die is gain."

The most noble of causes in which one could participate is this- to lay down ones life, that love may triumph over evil, light over darkness- for this was modeled to us by Christ, for whom we live and for whom we die.  

Sunday, August 1, 2010

End's Beginning

How can the Heart of God be known?
Can I see it?
Touch it?
Feel it?
I want to climb inside of your embrace,
so that I'm floating off the floor.

My walls are blank,
they're yours to fill,
paint them the color of your will.

I'm holding sand,
it slips through my hands.
The clock counts down- but you wear the crown-
the time is on YOUR table.

There is a flowing river
I sit beside,
I cannot leave it, for it gives me life.

The dawn is breaking,
introducing a great awakening.